Wednesday, February 18, 2009

State of Hysteria.

To follow up on an earlier post, I give you direct quotes from a sampling of laws on the books from around this country and around the world. Enjoy!

In Germany:
A pillow can be considered a “passive” weapon.

Every office must have a view of the sky, however small.

In Sweden:
While prostitution is legal, it is illegal to use the services of a prostitute.

You may only own half a meter down in the ground of any land you own.

In the UK:
Any boy under the age of 10 may not see a naked manequin.

Since 1313, MPs are not allowed to don armor in Parliament.

And in the good old USA:
It is illegal to ride a horse while under the influence

It is illegal to wear a bullet-proof vest while committing a murder.

It is illegal to delay or detain a homing pigeon.

When two trains come to a crossing, neither shall go until the other has passed.

Hunting camels is prohibited.

In Montana, it is illegal for married women to go fishing alone on Sundays, and illegal for unmarried women to fish alone at all.

It is a felony for a wife to open her husband’s mail.

It is illegal to have a sheep in the cab of your truck without a chaperone.

Seven or more indians are considered a raiding or war party and it is legal to shoot them.

If you want to see more outrageous rules, check out the website. It's good for a laugh. =D

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