Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Posting Furiously

Well, I have a feeling many of us will be posting furiously tonight in a mad dash to make up for past procrastinations in this class, desperately searching through their memories for any topic they may have forgotten to blog about then frantically putting it all into words. I will be honest and say I myself was sorely tempted to do this. I've never blogged for a class before, so I never really knew all semester what was expected of me. I simply wrote about things that moved me. Prof. Sexson would give us assignments like "have a bad day," and I would think about them a lot, but not always did I write about them because in many cases I had already worked it out in my head. If I was at peace with an idea or concept, I did not always feel the need to write about it. Writing...is for when you have something to say. Or something to discover in the words. This was when I wrote for this class.

I don't know if this blog will stand up to all the criteria Prof. Sexson gave us. I don't know if I have enough. Still, I would argue that, as in life, this is not about quantity, it is about quality. I believe that I have written with some level of analysis and introspection. I am proud of all my posts as I am proud of the thought behind each one. Honestly, I didn't think I'd like blogging much, but now, I definitely see the benefit (even if not many of us actually read the others' posts). I never thought I would have more than one of these...but now I have three. =D

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